New Year’s Resolutions 2017: Travel
It’s that time of year again. We’re all taking out our notepads or pulling up the notes app on our phones, and chatting with close friends and family about our New Year’s resolutions. It can be a tedious task to set our goals for the next 365 days, but the satisfaction of reaching those goals is the best feeling.
Every year, studies show some of most popular resolutions are to stay hgealthy, enjoy life to the fullest, spend more time with family and friends, and to travel more. The funny thing is, traveling more in 2017 may also increase your health, general life enjoyment, and amount of quality time spent with close ones. Traveling more is one New Year's resolution that will help in so many ways. If you’re trying to make just one resolution for 2017, read on to learn why that should be exploring more.
New Year's Resolution Idea #1: Satisfy your sense of curiosity
It’s not just important to have a sense of curiosity, but to feed that desire through exploration and continual learning. It keeps the mind fresh and exercised, and makes you a better conversationalist when you have exciting new topics and projects to talk about.
Traveling the world, or even just locally, is a great way to satisfy your curiosity by learning about the history, culture, people, traditions, and cuisine of a certain place. Head to Peru to learn about the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. Journey to Spain to learn about the native Basque People and their one-of-a-kind language. Fly to Italy to get your hands doughy while learning how to make tortellini in the town where it was invented. There are so many questions and curiosities that can be answered and satiated with books, but there’s so much more to be learned through rich experience.
New Year's Resolution Idea #2: Taste the world
We’ve been using this phrase for a while at Experi. Tasting the world is one of our goals and it’s also something we want to share with you. The variety of flavor, texture, technique, and tradition in the world’s varying cuisines is just simply astounding. And while the spread of these various cuisines into restaurants in our hometowns is great, we love experiencing traditional recipes where they were first created!

Torgayti Village, Hutubi, China
New Year's Resolution Idea #3: Meet new people
Everyone loves immersive travel full of authentic experiences. But what that really means is people love meeting new people from all over the world. This is why we love small group travel. Our intimate groups give us the opportunity to talk one-on-one with local experts, meet winery owners, top chefs, chocolatiers, and craftspeople, all while learning about our fellow travelers. There’s nothing like spending a late night dinner discussing the history and architecture that surrounds us with new friends, or discussing our favorite moments from the day. It might not always be the easiest to get out of your shell and ask questions, but doing so will help forge new relationships.
New Year's Resolution Idea #4: Learn more about yourself
There’s nothing like the feeling of discovering a new skill or new interest. Trying new things like olive harvesting, wine tasting, or bread-making, can give you new insights into unknown passions. This is one of the best parts of traveling, learning more about yourself and your talents. As you ponder your New Year's resolutions for 2017, why not focus on travel that involves activities like workshops, cooking classes, and tastings that give you a chance to learn something new.